Melinda Thompson
Shore Acres Apartments on Westfield, right near all the excitement of the Monon Trail and the Arts Center!
Green '99 VW Jetta, with racing stripes my boyfriend applied while I was not watching.
HR Assistant
Marital status:
I have a really great boyfriend, but like most of my friends, that relationship is highly negotiable when Austin is introduced into the picture!!! :)
Works out at:
Used to go to LA Fitness, but decided that was too gauche. I know it's a little expensive, but now I belong to the Four Seasons (sooooo nice!)
Favorite bar:
Chatham Tap on Mass Ave downtown, because it's just so comfortable and friendly, even though it is kind of in the gay neighborhood and not in Broad Ripple.
Favorite bar to spot Austin Collie:
I've never spotted Austin in a bar, but I sure would relish in the opportunity!
Favorite musical group:
I love all the music on 92.3, I just love that Brad Holz too, I bet you he is real cute and all.
Favorite Starbucks:
I'm pretty equal opportunity -- any Northside Starbucks.
Favorite Starbucks Beverage:
I don't care for coffee, but I go to Starbucks nonetheless to get bottled water. It's a great place to see and be seen!
Favorite part of Austin Collie's body:
I don't know a lot about Austin, since I just moved here from Michigan. But I did see him at a Colts game earlier this season. I didn't get to see him too closely, because I was waiting in line for the restroom every time he was making a big catch. He's famous. Isn't that good enough??
If I had Austin alone for 15 minutes, I would:
I would discreetly try to find out exactly how much money he really makes. You know you can't really trust the media.
Why should Austin choose me over the rest of the Trixies?
Well, I'm fun and I really know how to have a good time with all my girlfriends. Some girls I meet around here are just so boring and uninteresting. There is nothing worse than being ordinary.
Dream marriage proposal scenario:
Well, I like something simple. Austin would pick me up and take me to a local eatery. Maybe Recess on College or Mama Carolla's (I just love that place so much, it's just so cute!). Austin would spend some time telling me all about himself. Afterward, he would take me to the Red Room or Land Sharks, and would stand up on the bar and proclaim not only that he is Austin Collie and that everyone loves him, but that he loves me, and he would propose in front of all my Broad Ripple friends!!!
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