Erin O'Donnell
Carvel Ave near Canterbury Park
2001 BMW 318ti two door with pop-up back
Marketing Wizard for a major Real Estate firm in the metro area
Marital status:
I just married a wonderful guy, but I would not change my name for him, I told him that's going just too far! I'm a professional woman, and I'm not giving that up for him. But for Austin, well maybe! I like the sound of Erin Collie.
Works out at:
I work out at the gym right down stairs from my work. The only time I leave Broad Ripple is for work, and the gym. Other than that, I never venture outside it's friendly confines, if I might steal that quaint baseball saying!
Favorite bar:
Well, I usually pretend not to like the bars, because I tell my friends that I don't like men looking at me -- that's what they teach you at the corporate sexual harassment classes ... but the truth is, I really love when guys savor me with their eyes! Rrrrrrrr
Favorite bar to spot Austin Collie:
I would rather spot Austin at one of Broad Ripple’s cute little bistros, like Yum Bistro, or that Taste Cafe over on College & 52nd. Oooooh .... or maybe at Zest!
Favorite musical group:
I pretend to like classical, because that's the "classical" thing for a lady to do. So in front of my friends I turn up the classical, but when I'm alone ... I really love to break out the acid rock.
Favorite Starbucks:
I like the Starbucks in Nora next to Whole Foods, because it's on the way to work. But it's really like still being in Broad Ripple, even though it's really on the fringes. Is Nora outside of the official Trixie boundaries? I don't know. Well, whatever.
Favorite Starbucks Beverage:
I always want it hot, but in the summer, they make it iced, often without asking. It must be all those frappuccinos that they make. There's all those girls that go in there just thinking it's trendy and to order a frapp. Give me a smokin' hot half-caff carmel machiato and I'm a happy camper.
Favorite part of Austin Collie's body:
I think the face is pretty darn handsome, but if you want to know the truth, I bet the legs are really wild too, even though I haven't ever seen them because of those football pants and pads the Colts wear, but you gotta know. Right?
If I had Austin alone for 15 minutes, I would:
Try to figure out if he's got what it takes to make a Marketing Wizard hummmm!
Why should Austin choose me over the rest of the Trixies?
I always knew I was more impressive than my friends, so since Austin is so suave and sophisticated, he would immediately recognize this too, I just know it. Many of my friends think they have what it takes, but they really don't have a clue!
Dream marriage proposal scenario:
Austin would pick me up in his Jag, take me down to Lucas Stadium and give me a tour of his locker. He might even snap a towel at my tushie like those boys probably do after games in the shower. Then we would head over a few blocks to the Canal, and we'd make out on the steps of the Historical Society. Then we'd stroll down the Canal Walk towards the Eiteljorg and the Zoo, just me and him. He'd pop the question and I'd say yes. No, I'd yell it! No, I'd scream it at the top of my lungs... so that all the single girls hanging out at the Zoo (just so they can say they have some meager level of culture and love animals) would know all about my secret: that Austin wanted ME!
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