Any questions specifically regarding Membership, are answered by clicking here.
Q: What is the average age of a Trixie?
A: The average age of Society members is between 24 and 38 years of age. Some popular myths claim that the typical Trixie is younger than this average, perhaps even college-aged. However, this is definitely not the case. To support the wide variety of ages and social standings of our members, the Society has created different membership levels to meet the individual needs of each group. For example, the Pixie level membership is reserved for College-aged girls (20-22), while the Super Trixie level is reserved for those women who have reached the pinnacle of social success (roughly 30-38). For additional information, please refer to our Membership Guidelines.
Q: Are all Trixies Single?
A: No. Among all Society members, approximately 45% are married, with the remainder being single or even divorced. The average single Trixie is between 22 and 26 years of age. For the typical single Trixie, the approach of age 26-29 signals the time to retire the college lifestyle and begin the search for the right husband.
Q: Is it required that all Trixies look and act alike?
A: Emphatically no! Many people believe Trixies must look and act alike, for some silly reason. But the truth is that the Society and its members are a tediously diverse group. A cross-section of the Village's residents reveals that Trixies often choose to look and act like their best friends and coworkers, but these girls often take small, subtle risks to differentiate themselves from their peers. For example, when Kate Spade handbags were first introduced, all Trixies bought the standard black model because that's what everybody else did. Nowadays, however, some Trixies venture away from the standard Kate Spade bag and buy Prada, Louis Vuitton or even Coach handbags. Other Trixies have been known to buy white Jettas, or stray from Starbucks and buy their Lattes at places like the Monon Coffee Company, Hubbard & Cravens or even Cafe Patachou.
Q: Is the Society a "Husband Shopping" organization??
A: Absolutely not! The Society does not classify itself as an organization dedicated to finding members the correct spouse. In fact, with nearly half of all Society members already married, little effort goes into matchmaking. While the Society does urge its members to find the *right* husband, matchmaking per-se is not our purpose. That's what all of Broad Ripple's bars, clubs and restaurants are for. Places like the Red Room or Midtown Grill are among the best and brightest places to find the perfect husband (or Trixie wife).
Q: Do you have to drive a Jetta or a Mini Cooper to be a Trixie?
A: Certainly not. Haha! Some of the more successful members of the Society drive BMWs, Range Rovers or even vintage Jeep Wagoneers. However, the Jetta, Mini Cooper and Lexus GX470 remain the most popular vehicles amongst typical Society members due to their affordability as compared to the higher level European brands.
Q: Do all Trixies live in Broad Ripple?
A: No. While most Trixies do live in Broad Ripple (and are highly encouraged to do so), some members choose to live outside the Village's recognized boundaries for whatever reason. In a historic move, the Board approved a measure in fall 2004 to expand the Society's official borders to include Rocky Ripple, Williams Creek, Crows Nest, Meridian Hills, Keystone Crossing, Clearwater and certain "nicer" parts of Carmel. For additional information, please refer to our new boundaries map.
Q: Why is Starbucks so important to Trixie Culture?
A: As chain coffee stores like Starbucks have begun to truly define neighborhoods, Trixies have come to embrace this trend for several reasons: First, Starbucks is an impressive place to buy your coffee, plain and simple. With the myriad of different adjectives you can use to define your latte, you're bound to stand out and make a statement about how smart you are. Secondly, Starbucks is not cheap. While many Trixies exist on a shoestring budget (due to the need to buy the most impressive clothes and show-box bungalows and apartments), holding a Starbucks cup silently tells your coworkers and best friends that you've made it. And that's what being a Trixie is all about. For more information on the variety of Northside Starbucks stores, please refer to the Society's Starbucks Guide.
Q: Can Trixies Smoke?
A: This is a very touchy subject. There are very select times when it is permissible for a Trixie to smoke: (1) when strictly in a social situation where liquor is involved, such as an evening out with best friends at the Vogue or Rock Lobster, and (2) when in one's own home or another totally private place or alone with other Trixies who secretly smoke. It is NOT acceptable for a Trixie to smoke in other situations, such as walking down Carrollton or driving one's Jetta through the Village. Cigarette smoking is dirty, and most Trixies just don't want to be associated with such a nasty habit, even though so many girls are heavily addicted to their Marlboro Lights. If you need to smoke when not in an acceptable setting, make sure you duck out of sight into an alley or other location that will appropriately mask your nasty habit. The dumpsters outside the Alley Cat Lounge make an acceptable shield.
Q: Shouting, "Don't stare at me!!": Why this is OK?
A: One of the most pressing questions asked of the Society by members and friends is "I'm incredibly good looking, and I don't care if guys I approve of look at me, but I don't want guys I DON'T like staring me down!" This is a feeling experienced by most Trixies as a group, and often occurs in public places, such as at Mo & Johnny's or standing in line at Starbucks. While there are no known remedies to completely obliterate this bothersome problem, the Society recommends that members who are victimized by such a situation give the offender your best quick nasty glance. This often makes the offender quickly turn away and mind his (or her) own business.
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