Welcome to the Broad Trixie Society. We're Indianapolis' Northside premiere social organization serving young, on-the-move women living in Broad Ripple, Meridian-Kessler, Williams Creek and the "nicer" parts of Carmel. Our Blog provides a wealth of information on living in fabulous Broad Ripple and being the best Trixie you can be!
The Broad Ripple Trixie Society is Indy's premier social organization of young, on-the-move women living on the wonderful Northside. Since 2001, the society has provided the backbone and courage necessary for many young Trixies to climb the social ladder, and the society continues to provide the structure necessary to maintain Broad Ripple as one of the most wonderful neighborhoods in all of Indianapolis, if not the nation.
The society was created in early 2001 as a close-knit civic organization of women living in Broad Ripple who realized that they needed a formal organization to better represent their beliefs and lifestyle. In the Society's first five years, it grew slowly and maintained a low profile, gaining new members only by word-of-mouth. In late 2002, when the Broad Ripple population explosion began to accelerate, the Society's board proposed creating an online presence to properly represent the society to prospective members, and provide news and events information to existing members. Unfortunately that did not happen for another 4 years. Since the creation of our web presence, the Society has grown nearly tenfold with the addition of nearly 1,500 new members in a very short period of time. This growth can be attributed to the influx of women clamoring to live within the confines of the Village, where they can instantaneously hitch up with a well-to-do banker, trader, lawyer, or technology consultant.
While it is true that many Trixies earn as much or more than their TrixieMale counterparts, the skyrocketing costs of the Northside lifestyle (such as $320 Tiffany sunglasses and $600 Jimmy Choo shoes) place an especially heavy burden on 20 & 30-something Trixies, spurring them to spread their fixed costs over the larger revenues and economies of scale that accompany marriage. Such a match has provided countless women with the opportunity to advance to the social and financial levels demanded by the Society.
Members: Unpublished
Executive Board Members: 6
Staff: 3
Inception Date: September 2000
Membership in the Society:
Traditionally, Society membership was only open to women living in the Broad Ripple Village proper who met certain criteria established by the membership committee. But in October 2003, the executive board voted 4 to 1 to allow women living in certain other desirable areas of the Northside to join the Society and thus the membership increased five-fold. Trixies from neighborhoods outside of Broad Ripple are governed by the same stringent requirements placed upon true Broad Ripple proper Trixies. For detailed information on the various levels and classifications of membership available, please visit our membership page, where we have an online membership application available for your convenience.
My name is Kaitlyn. I've heard of the Trixie Society and think it sounds so cool. My question is, when I am popping into the Starbucks in Broad Ripple for my regular double tall cinnamon latte, can I find an application or something to join?
ReplyDeleteActually Kaitlyn ... (and I just LOVE your name by the way!!) ... We have an executive membership committee and we would be more than happy to review your application with cautious optimism. I will zip over tomorrow morning in my Range Rover SUV and drop off a stack of apps at Starbucks. They are lovely. We just had them printed on 100lb Crane stationery in a buttery New England Cream color which reminds me of dairy fresh egg nog (before the nutmeg is sprinkled on). Yeah!!