How to Live Grand!™
The Trixie Guides have been written by seasoned Trixies to inform and instruct younger Trixies how to live and behave as a True Trixie should. Refer to the Trixie guides as the need arises.
10/02/10 - The Trixie Table - Upland Brewing Company
07/04/10 - The Trixie Guide to "True Prep"
09/05/09 - 60 Seconds with Our Membership!
07/15/09 - The Trixie Table - Ordering "Off-Menu" at Fast Food Restaurants
03/22/09 - An Introduction to Preppy Style in Broad Ripple
02/14/08 - The Trixie Gifter ... Valentine's Day!
01/24/08 - The Trixie Table - Bin 404 Merlot + Burritos As Big As Your Head
12/15/07 - Finding the Perfect Trixie Apartment
10/20/07 - Trixie Guide to Finances
05/09/07 - Shopping Guide: The Village - Canal North
04/22/07 - Shopping Guide: SoBro - College Ave Corridor 4900 block up to Kessler
04/12/07 - Shopping Guide: Broad Ripple Avenue "Heart of the Village"
03/18/07 - Shopping Guide: Fashion Mall & Clearwater
03/01/07 - Shopping Guide: Far North in Carmel
12/09/06 - The Trixie Guide to Holiday Party Planning