Thursday, January 15, 2009

Distressing Trouble With Southside Starbucks

Hello Ashley!

I went down to Greenwood on the Southside this weekend and tried to order a Venti Latte. They were so confused, that I finally had to show them the cup that I wanted them to use for my Latte. Uggggh!

Are people just slower in Greenwood? Or are they just not as multi-cultural as we are in Broad Ripple? I normally would not have visited the Southside, but I had a client appointment for work and they insisted I come to their office. I was previously reluctant to go and now that I have experienced the Southside I may just have to drop this client. The business we receive from them is just not worth the trouble.


P.S. Love B Ripple!

Dear Traci:

I've experienced the same problem on the rare occasion when I've ventured to the Southside. I don't think Greenwooders are slower, their brains are just wired oddly, and they speak a different dialect from Broad Ripplers like us.

You see, after brunch at the Cafe Patachou, I love to fill up with another Venti before I hit the shopping circuit. One time, the Starbucks at Guilford & Broad Ripple Ave had a line out the door, so I stopped off at that "alternative" coffee shop, the Monon Coffee Company place on Westfield. They didn't understand any part of my order. The order-girl (who had purple hair and wore overalls) looked at me like I was speaking that Cirque d'Soleil gibberish! I finally had to settle for a "large" soy Latte.

Try not to get upset next time. Just try to appreciate the cultural diversity that our city has to offer!

- Ash



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