Kate Martin-Connors
Kessler & College, near Binkley’s and Fine Estate Rugs
Black 2002 BMW 318ti coupe, with Notre Dame Alum sticker on back.
Currently interviewing.
Marital status:
Married to Jake Connors, who is Irish like me, hence the fact I took his last name so I could have a double Irish power name (being Irish means so much in Broad Ripple).
Works out at:
I play volleyball with a Club at the Monon Center in Carmel.
Favorite bar:
Binkley’s, of course!
Favorite bar to spot Austin Collie:
Does Austin hang out at the Blu Point? I just love their martinis, and the guys at the bar stare me down every time I'm in there. I think they find me cute.
Favorite musical group:
I love anything Irish!!! The Pogues are so raw. I can get my drink on to them.
Favorite Starbucks:
56th & Illinois next to Kincaid's and the Flying Cupcake.
Favorite Starbucks Beverage:
Tall Iced Chai Latte Mocha, with extra ice and extra mocha.
Favorite part of Austin Collie's body:
Well, if Austin were Irish looking, I would go for the eyes because that's what all my girlfriends like. But I think I really like Austin’s boyish ruggedness. He's just plain hot.
If I had Austin alone for 15 minutes, I would:
I would invite him over to a bar-b-que out on our deck. I just love where I live, and I know Austin would too.
Why should Austin choose me over the rest of the Trixies?
Because I'm Irish and I drive a Beemer, and I think my Notre Dame education is so much more superior than other colleges. I've got the triple-threat goin' on.
Dream marriage proposal scenario:
Well, I'm not too interested in marrying Austin because I am currently married. But I think it would be cool to have him as a friend ... or a flirty landscape guy. I'm sure he would really admire me, since I'm so cute, and I drive a Beemer and live in Broad Ripple and all. Besides, I think it's more influential to have an Irish husband, since being Irish is such a commodity in the Broad Ripple area. I really think Austin would fit in well with our friends, who are all successful attorneys and financial consultants.
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