Jennifer "Jen" Block
Buckingham & Boulevard near Butler Univ. in a cute 1925 bungalow
Mint green 2004 Land Rover Discovery
Media Maven for Borshoff Johnson, the best PR Firm in the city!
Marital status:
I am single. I've been holding out for that "special guy" -- and Austin would definitely suffice!
Works out at:
I really enjoy running on the Monon Trail, but I'm thinking about joining an underground elite yoga / pilates place in Meridian Kessler because they only accept a limited number of members and its VERY exclusive! I don’t think I should mention the name here. I don’t want to hurt my chances of joining.
Favorite bar:
I don't have a favorite bar or restaurant. I make it a point to stay different, because so many of my friends always go to the same places. So when it's time to go out, I hit the Internet to find out what places are happenin'... However, I always stay on College between 4900 and 6600 North and on the Avenue between College and Winthrop - the only civilized area of Indy.
Favorite bar to spot Austin Collie:
I'm indifferent ... just so it's in my well-defined "zone of civilization!"
Favorite musical group:
I love any rock group that plays at the bars, clubs and restaurants located in my favorite “Zone”!! I'm sure Austin would too! I love this really obscure band, Combat Rabbit. Do you know them?
Favorite Starbucks:
I like the Starbucks at Guilford & the Avenue, since it's in such a wonderful neighborhood. Nice artwork inside by the fireplace too.
Favorite Starbucks Beverage:
I get either a grande skinny extra-shot, extra-cupped latte with a dash of vanilla, sprinkle of cinnamon, sprinkle of chocolate, one equal, one sugar and one ice cube (to cool it off!), ...or a short coffee, black. Depends on my mood and which friends I'm with ....
Favorite part of Austin Collie's body:
How can you ask such a question? Every inch of Austin’s body is delightfully handsome.... and I bet his salary is equally as handsome!
If I had Austin alone for 15 minutes, I would:
I would use my special pull with the local media him to get him to appear on the WTHR 13 evening news. I bet Dave Calabro would just get such a thrill out of interviewing him. And Andrea, I know she'd be all over him in the hallway before the evening news ... I'd have to throw a body block. Andrea's a Big Girl!
Why should Austin choose me over the rest of the Trixies?
Because I've got so much going for me: I'm successful, I know what I like, and I know how to get it -- no matter what. Most of my friends are jealous of me, just for that alone. So Austin would be foolish to pick anyone else in the village.
Dream marriage proposal scenario:
Mimi Pearce on the WTHR 13 morning show would be out sick with the stomach flu, and I would use my influence with the local media to fill in up in the traffic helicopter. When I turned towards the pilot/cameraman, he would rip off a 'Mission Impossible-style' face mask and I would be shocked to find it was Austin! He'd interrupt my inbound travel times on I-69 and propose to me, 4,000 feet in the air!! It would be so magical. I would nearly faint as I screamed YES and reached for the "off" button so we'd have some privacy.
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