Saturday, September 27, 2007, 9:01 AM
Society member Jenny Wilson was at the Starbucks at Broad Ripple Ave & Guilford happily perched in a large, brown overstuffed chair drinking an extra-shot chai half-decaf skim soy latte when an unidentified man made several unwelcome advances toward her through the plate-glass window.
Jenny immediately went to complain to the manager. She had to fight her way to the front of the line, and when she got back to her chair, the keys to her Jetta and her iPhone were missing from the table.
Jenny quickly ran from the store out onto the street, where she noticed the same man rummaging around in her double-parked Jetta across the street at Jimmy Johns Subs. With the able assistance of the friendly Jimmy Johns staff, the man was quickly evicted from the Jetta and Jenny's keys recovered. Unfortunately, her cell phone was lost, presumably stolen by the yet-unidentified man. Jenny also discovered a banana peel and several wadded-up Burger King wrappers littering the floorboard of her car after the incident. She is certain that these items were not there prior to the incident with the creepy man.
A police report was filed in the matter.
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