Saturday, August 1, 2009

Concerned About Humble Beginnings

Dear Ashley,

Is it possible to join the Society if I came from humble beginnings? My dad was a mechanic and my mother was a housekeeper, but I managed to go to Yale and now I work downtown for a PR firm as an Account Manager.

I live in the village near 59th & Norwaldo.

Thanks for your help.


The Society is a reflection of all the great things about America. We applaud the occasional member who may have come from families that do the sort of work we now hire out.

The fact that you have taken on such an admirable regime of self-improvement is enough for me to say you have what the Society wants in all our members: discerning taste and a realization that striving for the finer things in life makes our lives that much finer.

Besides, now that you are in our lovely Village and working at the prestigious PR firm you can discard your old baggage for something more along the lines of a Burberry overnight case. If you are ashamed of your background, you can always change the details to something more glamorous ("Daddy was in the oil business." -- Not altogether untrue, but it sounds very enviable and befitting your new-found Trixie status).

Good luck!


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