Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are Fishers Residents Eligible To Join?

Dear Ashley:

I can't tell you how excited I was to read that certain areas of Carmel were added to the Society's acceptable boundaries and since I live in Fishers which is near Carmel, I could be possibly eligible for membership.

Here is my question. Since I technically live in Fishers and not Carmel, but meet all other criteria, am I in?

Cait Atherton

Dear Cait:

Wow. You certainly dug through the old press releases to find the Carmel information! Unfortunately, Fishers is not currently in our plan. As many people say, Fishers is known for being Carmel's punk little brother. It simply does not fit into our lifestyle or plan at the moment.

But anyway...

As you know, most neighborhoods have changed dramatically over the years and continue to do so with the ebb and flow of social mores and the economy.

The Society redistricting committee is currently evaluating real estate and urban development trends in the areas around the Broad Ripple anchor village. Initial estimates hint that Fishers may have peaked some time a few years ago, and is again slipping into further decline.

You may want to look into moving to an approved part of Carmel or -- better yet -- Broad Ripple Village proper to increase your odds of gaining membership. That said, the official redistricting will not be made public until later this year.



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