Last week, I double

When I arrived downtown, I saw a group of my boyfriend Chad's co-workers walking around, and they all burst out laughing. I jumped out of the car, and shouted that vandalism could happen to anyone ... and how would they like being a victim of a hate crime! I felt one of the guys was looking at my legs, so I cursed him and jumped back into my car and drove away. Ashley, can I sue the city for this horrible act of vandalism, and perhaps get compensated for not only the trip to the garage to get the car fixed, but for my emotional hardship as well? -- Laura S.
Oh my ..... I really don't know what to say. This may certainly be beyond my legal capabilities. But Laura, I've seen many clients experience similar acts of vandalism in the city. Please try to understand ... that's what you get for living in the city. While you certainly don't deserve the financial and emotional burdens an incident like this may bring, you also have no recourse against the city or the Village.
However, I would suggest you file suit against whomever insures your Jetta, for at least two million ..... if not two and a half million dollars. Do not hesitate. You deserve it, after seeing the terrible damage you incurred, not to mention your emotional suffering.
I thank you for sharing today,