While most girls are satisfied with a nice romantic dinner on Valentine's Day, Trixie Society members hold their significant others to a much higher standard.
Are you tired of that weathered, snow salt-stained Kate Spade bag? Did your cubicle-mate get a supple leather jacket that puts yours to shame? Why not ask that special someone for a new, trendier bag or a new pair of shoes from Sak's??
But how can you make sure your boyfriend will buy the right gift or make reservations at the right restaurant? Don't let him ruin your perfect Valentine's Day! Your boyfriend doesn't want you to turn into "Hannibelle Lecter" and neither do we!! So don't settle like all the rest of the girls ... use the Trixie Gifter Guide because you deserve the best!
The Trixie Gifter is an innovative new technology funded by the BRTS Foundation as part of its effort to improve the appearance and quality of life for deserving Trixies throughout the Village.
Using the Trixie Gifter is a quick and easy way to get exactly what you want ... and know you deserve!
Simply print out this list on your computer printer and place a check mark by the appropriate choice for your Valentine's Day wish. Fold it neatly into a red envelope, spray it with your own brand of sexy perfume and leave it on the pillow of your boyfriend/fiance/husband!
Gift choices:

New Mini Cooper (limited edition)
Chanel Bag
Louis Vuitton bag
Prada Bag
Starbucks gift certificates
Illy Limited Edition Red Espresso machine
ISO Season tickets
Extra cash allowance
At least 2 dozen roses
A black lab puppy
Godiva chocolate 20 lb gift-pack
Take Me To:
Out to dinner at ________________
Oceanaire downtown
Ralph Lauren flagship store in Chicago
Indianapolis Auto show to pick out a new SUV
Zoobilation Black Tie Fundraiser this summer
Forget going out, just get the gift!