A Day in the Life: by Muffie Exeter-Rawlings
06:30 AM | I rise and shine early today, since its Friday. Normally I wouldn't get up so early, but for some reason on Fridays I feel extra peppy. Maybe its because I don't have a lot to do at work on Friday, or because I'm planning to meet my best friends Kate and Kaitlyn out for drinks and dinner tonight |
07:00 AM | I take Kegger, my boyfriend's two year old chocolate lab for a run around the neighborhood. Chad is out of town on some bizarre consulting assignment in San Francisco for the next week, so it's up to me to take care of the dog. I just hope Chad doesn't turn gay or anything while in California. |
07:42 AM | I'm almost ready to head home when a garbage truck nearly sideswipes me coming out of an alley near my corner. They should put some rules on how and when those idiots can be in Broad Ripple if you ask me! |
08:35 AM | After showering and getting dressed, I run into the Starbucks at Broad Ripple Ave & Guilford to get my coffee and something to eat. I have to wait in a line almost eight people deep, and there seem to be some disgruntled construction workers ahead of me. I ponder what the day might bring.... |
08:45 AM | I try to find a seat in the crowded seating area by the fireplace. I almost spill my Double Tall Latte all over my Banana Republic blouse when I notice the beautiful artwork on the walls! Taylor Anne Smith has work in here and it's pretty darn good! It's nice that Starbucks supports local talent. |
10:30 AM | I leave my office near the Fashion Mall and run over to Nordstrom to buy a new outfit for tomorrow night. I just didn't have the time to get to the dry cleaners this week, and I'm running out of clothes. Besides, I deserve a nice new outfit. I'm going out with one of Chad's best friends from college tomorrow and I need to look attractive! |
11:35 AM | I'm shocked. I was in the washroom reading Nuvo, and I overhear some senior managers discussing the possible reorganization of my department! After waiting for the shock to wear off, I decide that I need to start formulating a plan to boost myself a few more steps closer to the top of the public relations food chain (where I belong, of course). I have so much to ponder that when I finally left the washroom, I looked at my watch and wow! I was in there for almost 45 minutes! |
12:30 PM | I leave the office to meet my friend Emily (from College) at Champps for lunch. I just love that place.. They make the best tuna melt .... it's just sooooo good! We spend an hour gossiping about the last two months living in Broad Ripple . For some odd reason, Emily thinks she wants to move to New York. I try to convince her that New York is scummy and dirty.. That she really has a place here in Indy. Especially since she scored with a cute little one bedroom bungalow near 56th & Primrose. |
02:05 PM | After lunch, I run over to Nordstrom again, this time because I forgot to look at the new Ray Bans that I had my heart set on ever since my best friend Lilly showed me hers last weekend. They will look soooo good at the beach this summer! |
03:10 PM | Back at office, I find this scummy looking IT guy Jermone in my cube doing something at my computer. I hope he's not downloading child porn or something weird like that. I give him my best shocked/unhappy look to let him know that I don't appreciate people using my computer without me knowing about it. He says he is responding to a call I made nearly a week ago regarding Powerpoint, which didn't have the newest designer templates that one of my coworkers somehow already had before I did. I told him that I was going to the washroom and, like, could he just be finished by the time I got back? |
03:30 PM | I take a moment to place a conference call to my best friends Kate and Kaitlyn, both of whom work at a big advertising agency. We quickly discuss our plans for tonight: we're going to meet at 7:00 at the OPT's and play it by ear from there. |
04:04 PM | I set out to create my five year career plan, a suggestion from my yoga teacher Jenny, who says that putting something in writing is the only way for the angels up above to see it. I decide that within the next year, I am going to do whatever it takes to oust my boss. I figure it might take that long. |
05:45 PM | I always make it a point to stay at the office later than any of my colleagues, just so they notice that I work harder than they do. I feel that subtle hints are better than being direct. |
06:00 PM | I head back to the Village by way of Whole Foods in Nora. I need more soy milk and those little chocolate tins from Belgium. And it's already 6 o'clock! Why don't they just put a Whole Foods down in the Village?!? This is sooooo inconvenient. |
07:00 PM | I shop at Turandot and the Bungalow and after a while I then pop over to Niche before running into Kate getting out of a taxi across the street by La Jolla. We look at the hottest new dresses together at Niche (everyone wants them, I already have two!) and then head over to OPT's where Kaitlyn is eagerly awaiting our arrival. |
01:00 AM | After nearly six hours of drinking, I stagger home. I just love living soooo close! |
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