Past experience shows us that while pre-Trixie girls may possess the personal characteristics necessary to eventually become successful Trixies -- such as cutting people off in their Jettas, or dispensing nasty glances at Starbucks to anyone who looks their way -- they often lack the funds and social standing demanded by the society and it's members. Membership in the society is strictly reserved for those women who have already reached the first stage of Trixie-ism, and are ready to become active members of the society.
Levels of Membership:
There are five levels of membership in the Society. Four of these levels define the four types of Trixies found in Broad Ripple. The fifth level of membership is reserved for Trixie-loving Broad Ripple men.
The Pixie -
The Pixie is a junior level of membership offered by the Society, geared towards college-aged women who have not yet entered the workforce but who wish to begin the Broad Ripple socialization process. Due to it's proximity to Broad Ripple, Butler University has become an active breeding ground for new Pixies. Those girls who are members of more prestigious Sororities will have preference over those who are not. Talented Pixies may be selected for the Society's competitive and prestigious internship programs.
The T.I.T. (Trixie in Training) -
The T.I.T. is the first level of membership. This entry-level tier is reserved for perky, entry-level girls, and once a girl is accepted as a member at this level, she is officially recognized by the society as a True Trixie. This level of membership mainly exists to allow those up-and-coming young members to become actively involved in the society without having a higher status which they probably are not deserving of ... yet. Members at the T.I.T. level may append "T.I.T." to their last name to indicate status. This may be included on business cards, engraved stationery or silk-screened on t-shirts and sweatshirts similar to Greek sorority letters.
The Total Trixie -
This middle tier of membership is actually the highest level of membership achieved by the majority of our members during their tenure in the society. This level exists to provide membership and society benefits to those women who have outgrown T.I.T. level membership (and typically don't look anything like a T.I.T. any longer), but still have not reached the top of the ladder. Members at the Total Trixie level may append "B.R.T." to their last name to indicate status. Again, this may be included on business cards, engraved stationery or silk-screened on t-shirts and sweatshirts similar to Greek sorority letters.
The Super Trixie -
The society's top tier of membership is the Super Trixie. The Super Trixie level is reserved for those women who have made it all the way to the top of the social and financial ladders. Consideration for Super Trixie membership in the organization is made only upon recommendation of the entire executive board (...and these ladies can be mean cookies most of the time). A woman who has achieved Super Trixie status has the ability to do pretty much anything she wants, within the bounds of the law (...if the law happens to be watching at the time). Only Super Trixies may run for inclusion on the executive board. Members at the Super Trixie level may append "S.B.R.T." to their last name to indicate status, aside from anything else they care to add. The world is wide-open to a Super Trixie!
The TrixieMale -
The perfect social accessory for the on-the-move woman who wants to have it all. By popular request and with the support of many Society members, the Membership Committee has introduced a new membership category called the "TrixieMale". This level is meant to serve the men who are either Trixie admirers, or the boyfriend/fiancée/husband of an existing Society member. This level has a separate membership application, which addresses the special needs and interests of the Broad Ripple Male.
For your convenience, we will email a membership application upon request to expedite the task of communicating your interest to the often-too-busy Membership Committee.
You can also share the wealth by Nominating a Friend for membership in the Society.