However, Jill is considering a controversial move to a loft-style condo building down in Lockerbie Square. While this isn't a happening neighborhood yet, Jill considers herself a Trixie Trailblazer in the spirit of her pioneer Trixie fore-mothers who colonized other hip areas of town with new construction condos and loft rehabs. In time she expects downtown to become properly gentrified; at which time she'll be able to sit smugly on her wrought iron balcony, sipping Kahn's most expensive California Chardonnay with Poi Dog Pondering playing away in the background, and know that she has helped annex yet another neighborhood for the Broad Ripple Trixies.
Jill was born right here in Indianapolis and spent most of her formative years toying with jocks and doing art (mainly macaroni portraits of Bono, Sting and the guy from INXS who killed himself.) Ms. Ransburg also developed an expertise in stealing other girls boyfriends and shooting the stink eye at any who would dare look upon her.
She graduated from North Central High School and attended Indiana University. At IU she learned a thing or two about big hemp necklaces, binge drinking and the great music produced by progressive bands like Dave Matthews, Counting Crows, Blues Traveler and Phish. She majored in commercial art, became proficient with such creative programs as Quark and Photoshop and garnered several awards for the montages she put together of her sorority's Spring Breaks in Corpus Christi.
All of this intensive creativity helped unlock the independent artist inside her bosom and she knew there was only one place where she could move after graduating Bloomington and get paid to be an artist -- the Midwest mecca -- Indianapolis!!!!!